Martin Luther King Tribute Post

Teach your kids to be a Leader not to be the cool kid in school.
Teach your kids to be Mentors and not Followers.



On another note , Can we stop the bullshit >? Yes the Man had a dream and it aint being fulfilled. We Peaked at his Thought, Overcame his Idea and Failed at Carrying out his Dream. We as African Americans are At a point where he thought we couldnt reach. We take this as a joke yet as serious as it seems we kill each other more then other races. We Are the most populated In Prisons and we for sure aint the best at leading in leadership. I as one look up to his dream and admire it and wish others did to at understanding his dream and not Just saying they do cause they are black. Face it. Youth of today ( yes i said it ) isnt being themselves nor a better tomorrow. We have to focus and stick to our roots. Achieve and Strive to be better if not we will never overcome. I rather overcome then be a next Contender.

Teach your kids to be a Leader not to be the cool kid in school.
Teach your kids to be Mentors and not Followers.
Teach your kids to understand how the world really works and they can be the things they wanna be without having conscious of not being able to do something cause of a degree or color of they skin.
Teach your Kids to Learn as much as they can until they grow, the offerings the world has today is more useful then what they was in the 50’s or 60’s.

Facebook , Twitter and instagram yes its cool but do it teach you the better things in life?

Just cause it doesnt seem interesting doesnt mean that it aint something important in a country where it could be.

Its more positions then just Sales Rep and Stock or Customer Rep.

All i ask is that we keep our heads up and to keep telling ourselves nothing is impossible unless we make it impossible.

You be surprised what a search engine can do for you.

Enjoy your Day .


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