Trell Brooks is back with a powerful new single, “SNAP,” showcasing his lyrical prowess and ability to deliver meaningful messages...
Jus Daze delivers a lyrical nightmare in “RedRum” Freestyle featuring James Jay Eazy. Cinematic basslines hit heavy after a chilling intro. Within seconds Jus Daze intensely...
Bilingual recording artist BURGNDY, known for his ability to seamlessly switch between Spanish and English, recently lit up the stage with a live verse alongside music...
R&B fans, if you haven’t heard of Kayla Janae yet, now’s the time to get familiar. Her latest single, “Heart Crime,” featuring the soulful group Afterours,...
Hip-hop fans, prepare to dive into the world of T.O. Lestat, an artist who is seamlessly blending the hard-hitting sounds of boom bap with the deep,...