
The 2024 Suzanne DeLaurentiis Oscar Luncheon Gala Honoring Our Veterans And Celebrating The 96th Oscars



Film producer, actress and philanthropist Suzanne De Laurentiis, hosted her annual pre-Oscars brunch and Gala in honor of the U.S. Military and veterans. Held at the illustrious Luxe Sunset Blvd Hotel, hours before the Oscars took place, it brought out some of the most esteemed entertainers in the world. Some special guests included Kim Estes (Emmy Winner), Frank Stallone (Grammy Winner), Eric Roberts (Oscar Nominee), Stephanie Kramer, Sally Struthers (Emmy Winner), Kayla Tabish (Criminal Minds), Nick Heaney (ER), Stefanie Powers (Emmy & Gold Globe Nominee) Jordan Lucas (Actor), Petri Byrd (Judge Judy), Pam Jacobs (Drummer) and Tyrone Dubose (Award Winning R&B Historian, Unsung). Military personnel Tommy De Vries, Captain Pierre Sutton, Lt. Tim Yao, former Navy VME Tracy Martin, Col. Arnold V Strong, Veteran Lisa Constanza, and Veteran Brenda Garcia.

Sponsored by Hidden Hills Coffee, Renova Worldwide, La Casa del Camino, sugarfina, Mega Mix Expo, Terra Arma, Red Light Pro Devices, Organic Body Essentials, The Healing Trilogy, G.L.A.M., TECH, Teri Werner International Terra Arma, Ava’s Heart, A 91 Redrams Productions, all guests in attendance were in for a treat as they were allowed to indulge in a gifting suite before the ceremony started. With products ranging from wellness elixirs, to premium coffee and iconic movies, it was a great way to honor troops and celebrate the Oscars.

Suzanne DeLaurentiis hand picked some deserving veterans and troops who have dedicated their lives to making sure our country is safe everyday and for uplifting their communities. Shedding light on the fact that the entertainment world is filled with many military personnel who need our support on and off the battle line, DeLaurentiis did an excellent job of utilizing her platform to pay homage to the most deserving individuals.



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