3 Coconut Oil Hair Masks to Moisturize Your Natural Hair




Coconut oil has a multitude of health benefits with its fatty acids, Poly-phenols, vitamins and minerals. It is great for hair and skin, your immunity, weight loss and even heart health. Heck, I’m wondering if I should try coconut sugar (I keep seeing it at Sam’s and it be calling my name) so who is it any wonder why there are tons of hair treatments using coconut oil?

Here are three super-duper moisturizing hair masks you need to be trying ASAP!

Read On!>>>
Moisturizing Coconut Hair Mask
2-4 tbsp. coconut oil
5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil or blend of essential oils
Plastic or thermal heat cap

Mix coconut oil and essential oil (or blend) together in small bowl. Massage into your hair and it it not necessary to apply to scalp but it won’t hurt! Cover with plastic cap or thermal cap for 30-60 minutes. Wash out and style as usual.

Honey + Coconut Oil Hair Mask
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tsp. of honey
Plastic or thermal heat cap
small microwavable bowl

In a small microwave safe bowl, mix coconut oil and honey. Microwave for 30-45 seconds, until coconut oil is liquid and mixture is warm. Stir again as the coconut and honey will separate from the heat.

Massage oil mixture into hair, starting at the ends and working up towards the scalp. After hair is evenly coated, secure hair with a clip or hair tie and cover with plastic cap or thermal cap for 15 to 30 minutes. Wash and style as usual.

Coconut + Avocado Nourishing Hair Mask
1 tbsp. Coconut oil
1/4 cup milk
1 ripe Avocado

Grind the avocado chunks and make a smooth puree without any lumps before adding milk and coconut oil and mix well. Apply to all hair strands and allow to sit for at least 20 minutes. Wash hair well to remove mixture and style as usual.

What’s your favorite coconut oil hair mask?

CN Says:
I’m not coconut oil’s biggest fan, but I use it for my pre-poo, so I suppose that counts?  I apply a lot to my dry hair prior to washing.  Sometimes, I’ll add a little yogurt or conditioner to help things along. I always use a plastic baggy, a little heat and leave it in for 20-30 minutes. 



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