Ademar Locke – WALK IT OUT @ademarlocke



Ademar Locke made his debut single “WALK IT OUT” in his bedroom at 3 am after his best friend and frequent collaborator whiterosemoxie suggested that Ademar should make more songs “for the moshpit”! This song is perfect for your work outs, house parties, moshpits (raves), or even just a night out with your friends. Ademar packs a punch of flavor in this less than two minute track.

Ademar Locke was born and raised in the city of Detroit, Michigan. In Late 2018 he moved to Las Vegas Nevada to finish school. He is one of the artists in the emerging Hip-Hop clique/collective Seragodda with long time friend and frequent collaborator whiterosemoxie. Ademar Locke showed his passion for music at the tender age of 6 when he joined his older cousins in a freestyle session. Ademar gained prowess with his rap skills and begged his grandmother to buy him a home recording studio. Ademar lost his home studio in a house fire in early 2017 but his passion for music was still there. Now Ademar is back on his feet and ready to tell the world what he needs to say.



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