Alana is Naturally Glam!



My name is Alana Gooch and I’m from San Diego, CA. I am a California State University of Long Beach Alum with a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Textiles and Clothing.

How long have you been natural?
My hair journey began on Dec. 30th 2004 with my last relaxer. I decided to transition after that because as a starving college student, I was not fond of the idea of spending $100 every 6 weeks for a touch up. To fast forward through the many hairstyles I had during my college days, I ended up doing the big chop in July of 2011. Ever since then, I have focused on retaining the length of my hair to see how long it can get.

I have been natural on and off since 2005 but 2011 was when I completely started over so I would say 2 years.

Read On!>>>

(My last relaxer in 12/30/2004)

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?
Originally, my motivation was saving money. After my big chop in 2011, my motivation was to embrace the natural texture that I was meant to have. Another reason why I decided to chop all of my hair off was to show myself that beauty isn’t measured by the length of texture of your hair. I wanted people to see me and not the style of my tresses.

(My locs in 2008)

(The big chop 2010)

What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?!

The most memorable moment was the day I shaved my head (myself) and walked down the street to Starbucks. I felt so liberated and immediately received compliments on my new cut. It not only made me feel beautiful, it showed me how brave I was and if you are comfortable with yourself, people have no other choice but to follow suit.
(The day I REALLY big chopped and walked to Starbucks lol (2011))
What are some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos?
Some of my favorite styles included wash&go’s after my big chop and once I got to the awkward afro stage, I did a lot of protective styling which included tuck&pin styles and scarves. Currently I wear my hair in wash&go’s and occasionally I do twist/braid outs.
Any memorable reactions from family or others since going natural?
I have always receive comments like “why did you grow out your relaxer” “why did you loc your hair?!” “why did you cut your locs??” “I liked your hair better in a fro” “I liked your hair better in locs!” etc etc etc. At the end of the day I am literally the only person on this green earth that has to wear this hair on my head so I just ignore the comments and do what I want to do.
(October 2011)

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?

I use all natural products called Alikay Naturals ( to get these results so I’ll list the name of the products just so you can have an outline. You don’t have to use the same exact products I do, but try to use products with out alcohol, sulfates, mineral oil, and silicones. These ingredients dry out your hair and cause you to use more which means you have to buy more (I have JUST ran out of my products 11 months later!!!!!). So here we go!

Shampoo Day (once every 2 weeks)

  • Prep hair by spraying oil mixture and water (I just use Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Almond oil, and water that I shake into a spray bottle). Divide hair into sections and detangle with deep conditioner. To detangle your hair use your fingers FIRST. Start at the ends and work your way up until it is easy (well easier =) )to rake your fingers through the section. After finger combing, you can now use a wide tooth comb/ paddle brush to prevent ripping your hair out (still starting from the ends gradually up to the roots). After you detangle each section braid it so it wont tangle during the shampooing process.
  • Use hot oil treatment (only if hair is extra dry) by heating up essential oils and applying it to your scalp and ends. Cover hair with plastic cap for 20-30 min or how ever much time you have. You can even cover the plastic cap with a scarf before you workout to help it penetrate the scalp even more.
  • Remove the cap and rinse braids with warm water. Remember not to unravel your braids!!!
  • Wash scalp with Shampoo by massaging your scalp to lift and remove product/build up. ONLY USE THE PADS OF YOUR FINGERTIPS NEVER YOUR NAILS. Rinse braids and scalp completely.
  • Apply Leave In Conditioner to your scalp and your braids. At this point, you can unravel 1 braid at a time and do any additional detangling as needed.
  • Style hair using styling product and seal in moisture by applying coconut oil to your ends.

Co-Wash Day (the week between Shampooing to retain moisture)

  • Prep hair by spraying on oil mixture and water
  • Divide hair into sections and detangle with regular conditioner. To detangle your hair use your fingers FIRST. Start at the ends and work your way up until it is easy (well easier =) )to rake your fingers through the section. After finger combing, you can now use a wide tooth comb/ paddle brush to prevent ripping your hair out (still starting from the ends gradually up to the roots). After you detangle each section braid it so it wont tangle during the co-wash process.
  • Wash your scalp and braids with conditioner ONLY. This keeps your hair moisturized between regular washes while still getting rid of product build up.
  • Rinse braids and scalp completely
  • Apply Leave In Conditioner to your scalp and your braids. At this point, you can unravel 1 braid at a time and do any additional detangling as needed.
  • Style Hair using styling product and seal in moisture by applying coconut oil to your ends.

Products I Use:

  • Moisturizing Black Soap Shampoo (Shampoo Day)
  • Lemongrass Leave In Conditioner (After Shampooing/Co-Washing)
  • Cowash Me Cleansing Conditioner (Co-Wash Day)
  • Caribbean Coconut Milk Conditioner (Shampoo/Co-Wash Day)
  • Shea-Yogurt Hair Moisturizer (styling product)
  • Honey and Sage Deep Conditioner (Shampoo Day)
  • Essential 17 Hair Growth Oil (EVERY NIGHT!!!!!! I apply it to my scalp and massage it in before bed)
  • Botanicals Hair and Scalp Balm (between washes I apply this to any itch)

Here are a few more helpful tips….

  • Minimize bristle brush usage to prevent breakage. I occasionally use brushes on my edges but I can count on my hands how many times I have this year so try not to.
  • Always sleep on a satin pillow or use a satin bonnet at night.
  • TRY to braid or twist your hair when you are in for the night to make next day styling easier. (I am extremely lazy so I do this only when I do a twist out)
  • If you do not twist/braid your hair at night, DEFINITELY use a hair tie (loosely & without the metal closure) to do the pineapple method and wrap a silk scarf around your edges
  • NEVER manipulate dry hair with your bare hands!!! I know it sounds weird, but it helps prevent ripping and it helps retain length. I coat my hands with a little coconut oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil when doing my hair if it isn’t wet.
  • NEVER manipulate/comb your hair without first adding moisture by either using your water & oil mixture, water, styling product, SOMETHING!
  • To refresh your wash & go after sleeping on it (using the pineapple method/twisting/braiding) use your water & essential oil mixture and mist it on the hair and fluff. It cuts back on the amount of product you use and it also keeps you from washing it every single day.
  • When buying “organic” or “natural” products, READ THE INGREDIENTS. Most of the time these products are not what they appear. If you can not pronounce the first few ingredients then don’t buy it girl!


What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
My favorite natural hair blogs are and My favorite youtuber is Naptural85 simply because we have the same texture hair.

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Don’t apologize for being comfortable in your natural hair. I choose to wear my hair the way it grows out of my head because no other ethnicity has to explain why they chose to do the same. So don’t you apologize or feel the need to make people feel comfortable with the texture of your hair! Be you! Be kinky! Be unapologetic!

Where can people find you for more information?
You can follow my blog at and follow me on twitter&instagram @pescatarianista

Global Couture is trying to spread the word about embracing your natural hair. Love your HAIR, if it is wavy, curly, kinky or coily.
Are you naturally fierce? Email us to share your hair journey at



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