Barack Obama Responds to Kanye: "His Music Is Outstanding" (@KanyeWest @BarackObama)



President Obama’s relationship with Kanye West has been a rocky one. Obama famously called West a “jacka**” on two occasions, and the rapper fired back at the president in an interview earlier this year. Now, Obama has addressed West once again, this time in an end-of-year interview with People magazine. 

Obama was asked whether he’d rather spend a day with the Robertson family, who are recently under fire for a member’s stanch anti-gay comment, or with Kanye West. Obama didn’t say, but did speak about Kanye as a rapper, who he was once caught on tape deriding as a “jacka**.”

“Kanye’s music is outstanding, though,” Obama said. “I’ve got a lot of his stuff on my iPad. If it was a concert, then I might not mind listening to him.”

What do you think about Obama’s response to Kanye, after Kanye has made some pretty disparaging remarks about the president lately? Should he have taken a different stance? Or did he say the politically correct thing? Share your thoughts below.

Source: Politico 



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