Behati Prinsloo Bikini White Hotness Shooting in Malibu for Especially Strong Beach Tingles



Behati Prinsloo may have married what’s his face and broken my heart just a little, but she’s still my favorite Namibian sextastic celebrity in the entire Namibian sextastic celebrity universe, very much including her heavenly hot work with Victoria’s Secret and other lingerie and bikini wear lines. She’s lean and slender and au natural and possibly could use a sandwich, but I’m still digging heavily on her inherent hotness, killer smile, and a lithesome body that I’d like to lie some next to, if you know what I’m saying.

Naturally, I’ve become all-too accustomed to these repeated blows of seeing my belusted hotties marry some more famous, wealthier, lucky bastard with amazing hair. The hurt never goes away but I suppose all the scarring leaves the flesh a little tougher for the process. Behati, please, hurt me right someday. Enjoy.



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