Break Out of Your Styling Rut! – Natural Hair Tips



by Toia B of LuvToBNatural

It happens to the best of us. We return to our natural texture, get excited about products, hairstyles, the whole gambit and then we hit this… plateau where we we’ve lost the creativity we once had or maybe we lack the energy, time or even the desire, for that matter, to deal with our hair.

What’s a girl to do? How do you climb out of this rut?!

Here are four suggestions:

Try a Protective Style
Going this route will not only shake things up a bit by giving you a new look, but if time is a factor for you, not having to style your hair daily will allow oodles of time to focus on whatever it is you need to take care of. An added benefit is that leaving your hair alone for a while will allow your hair to grow undisturbed. Recently, I’ve been rockin’ easy breezy roll ‘n’ tuck or french braid styles for a week at a time. A bun is another simple protective style that’s cool for everyday but can also be quite elegant for special occasions. If done right, they can last you a week or two. Cornrows, braids and twists… also great options and can last you a little longer. Just be sure to keep your hair moisturized for the duration of the style!

Yup, cut it. I know, this one may be a bit drastic for some but hey, less hair = less work! If you’re reading this, you most likely follow a slew of naturalistas, some of whom have recently or at some point in their journey cut their hair. They’ll tell you in a minute that they spend far less time on wash day which, for most is a huge plus! But, cutting your hair doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go back to big chop days, per se, if that’s not your thing. Get a bob or a fly tapered cut! Find a trusted stylist who specializes in natural hair to give you a nice shape that suits you and you’re in business.

Undercuts and fades are also fan faves. While I don’t think I’d ever get one myself, I’ve gotta say… they’re pretty dope!

Wrap it Up!
This protective style has been my lazy/bad hair day go-to for years and will never lose its appeal. See! Until you figure out what you want to do with your actual hair, g’on and cover it up with a sleek solid or gorgeously printed scarf. Here’s a side tip: you don’t always have to hunt for a designated scarf or run to the fabric store. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING can be used as a headwrap. If you have a skirt, shirt, pair of pants, whatever, with a design or print that you especially like, throw that thing on your head! If you wrap it just right, no one will be the wiser. I’ve used those 3 for $10 “pashminas” as headwraps in the cooler months as well as beach cover-ups and sarongs when it’s warmer. Fabric is fabric.

If you’ve got some length, try cornrowing, bunning or loosely twisting your moisturized hair prior to wrapping to get rid of the bulk. Stick to non-cotton materials or use a satin scarf as a protective barrier to keep the natural oils in your hair if you are using something that’s made of cotton.

Use Your Resources!
For all of the aforementioned options, I bet you five bucks there’s a YouTube video that can give you a tutorial or some form of inspiration on it! Go ahead and pull up the site (you know it’s already bookmarked! Haha!), type in that keyword and voila! You have tons of simple and creative protective style tutorials, super cute hair cut ideas (plus maintenance tips) and helpful headwrap how-tos at your fingertips.

Are you a reader? Welp, more than a natural hair care guide, Curly Nikki’s Better Than Good Hair is full of naturalistas breaking down their favorite hair styles with corresponding photos to help you get that ‘do together. Natural hair sites and blogs can also be great resources for that “aha moment” when you’re stuck for what to do next.

So, tell me… what do you do when YOU’RE stuck in a style rut?



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