CaliLlama – Fear @calillamalives



A desert fever dream, a castaway and a bounty hunter; CaliLlama’s “Fear” is about the irrational voice that tells you that you won’t achieve anything, and the power that fear gives you to achieve it.

When CaliLlama was only 15 he started scraping away at this iceberg. It was a big iceberg, big enough to sink an unsinkable ship, over the years his tools got better, he got more people to help him, he started to amass a crowd. They would cheer him on while all he did was chip away this iceberg. A ton of people swore he’d never carve anything beautiful, it was too grand, too much work, other people were more talented.

Years later people came and went, they moved on, went their separate ways. Finally a picture was starting to form, people knew what he was doing but they stopped paying attention, stopped looking for progress. Finally he had done it. People from all over the world heard he had done something great. They congratulated him, they said they always knew he’d do it, even the dissenters. This is a real life metaphor for his whole life.

Living in Santa Cruz, he got a team together. Started a video production company, and records his songs and videos professionally. While he might be at the tip of the iceberg, so much had been chipped away, polished, refined, its only downhill from here. That is CaliLlama. He stands as a reminded that hard work and dedication, and a bit of natural magic, will always pay off in the long run.



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