Cuvtownsfinest – Roses @cuvtownsfinest



“Roses” from Cuvtownsfinest is a single that embodies the meaning of letting go of a relationship or break up that was holding you down, rather than hanging on to the pain and letting it eat you alive, one chooses to let go of it and move on. What makes this single unique is that it isn’t just written from my own personal experiences with heartbreak but also from the experiences my closest of friends have gone through, every lyric is mixed in to portray how they felt when their situations were at their peak worst.

Richard Nagulyak, 19, also known by his artist name Cuvtownsfinest, is a multi genre artist from Seattle Washington, more specifically from the small town of Covington just 30 minutes south of the big emerald city. His artist name represents the small town by its slang name “Cuvtown”. He began his musical journey just very recently by releasing his first two singles in June and July respectively.



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