Eriiic J. – Trill Deity (prod. Eriiic J.) [dir. Lens Flair Carruthers] @eriiic_j



Writing his first rap at age 10, West Palm Beach, FL native Eriiic J. hasn’t looked back. The 24 year old Floridian has utilized a relentless work ethic to slowly build a following from his base in Columbia, SC. One part shaman another part deity, Eriiic’s music has the bass thumping sound that trap enthusiast love, the lyricism traditionalist enjoy, and the density ponderers can reflect to all flawlessly combined into an amalgam of sounds that blend like the seafood gumbo from his home town. Adding production to his repertoire in 2011 has only strengthened his arsenal allowing him to create a completely unique and customized sound. His next mixtape DMT Abstract: Dissertations in Divination is slated to drop in the spring and is sure to bring something new, refreshing, and needed to the music scene.



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