Gaming’s Whacked Out Week: ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ and its Craptacular Killer Cab Drivers



In many ways, Grand Theft Auto V is a remarkable achievement. The scope of the world, the fancy-ass weather effects, each individual pedestrian having things to do and places to be… Los Santos is a living, breathing world, on a scale the series and sandbox in general has never seen.

But let’s not gush too much. This bastard’s had enough accolades, hype and game of the year awards. Just for a change, let’s point our accusatory finger of accusation square at its face and say hey, Grand Theft Auto V, your taxi drivers suck ass.

Oh yes indeed. The series has always been a make-your-own-entertainment sort of affair, allowing players to eschew missions entirely in favor of selfie taking, secret finding, car collecting or whatever else they fancy. But the game of Survive The Taxi Driver’s Dumbassery is a new one on me.

This week on Reddit, a new Grand Theft Auto V minigame came to light: The Taxi Driver A.I Challenge. It involves exploiting the game’s awful driving A.I, by asking a cab to take you along a certain route. Behold Figure A, the GPS route you give them:

Then here’s Figure B, the route they’ll actually take. Very badly:

Finally, put the two together, and here’s the kind of carnage that results:

Dare you try and survive the Taxi Driver A.I Challenge?

Via Kotaku.



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