Jay-Z On the Cover Of Billboard After His Deal With Samsung (@S_C_)



The internet is still goin’ nuts following Jay-Z’s Samsung “Magna Carta Holy Grail” commercial, with all now eagerly anticipating the new album’s release next month. Jay landed the newest cover of Billboard for his bold moves with Samsung, including their clever sales scheme.

Billboard won’t count the 1 million pre-orders from Samsung as sales, though they explain how Jay-Z might’ve gotten around this with a small fee.

“Had Jay-Z and Samsung charged $3.49–our minimum pricing threshold for a new release to count on our charts–for either the app of the album, the U.S. sales would have registered. And ultimately, that’s the rub: The ever-visionary Jay-Z pulled the nifty coup of getting paid as if he had a platinum album before one fan bought a single copy,” writes Billboard.

Samsung will be releasing the album for free next month through an app on their phones.

Source: hiphopwired.com



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