John McCain’s Son, Jack McCain Marries Renee Swift



John McCain’s son, Jack McCain, 27, is off the market now. Jack McCain, a lieutenant helicopter pilot in the Navy stationed in Guam, just wed Captain Renee Swift, 29, of the Air Force reserves in an elaborate ceremony in San Francisco, that Meghan McCain live tweeted through. Although no one is stating the obvious, this high profile wedding is making headline news.

Is it because it’s Senator John McCain’s son, or because Meghan McCain is using social media to publicize the wedding, or simply because Renee Swift is black. I don’t know, but I will be glad when we’re no longer shocked by who’s dating whom, or their race. I will also be happy when intimate moments are not used for political fodder.  Congrats to the beautiful couple!

Check out more details, plus pics when you continue. Mitt Romney did not attend the weeding, but he did attend the rehearsal dinner…President Obama probably wasn’t invited…

All the McCain kids were there for the ceremony at Grace Cathedral and reception at the California Academy of Sciences. Washington guests included McCain 2008 campaign manager Rick Davis and campaign adviser Charlie Black. Mitt Romney attended the rehearsal dinner at the Fairmont Hotel Friday night (and posed for a photo with Meghan McCain, who live-tweeted some of the weekend’s festivities). After a honeymoon in Africa, McCain will return for another deployment in Guam. {via Washington Post}

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