Kanye Goes on Fiery Rant: "Do Ya’ll Love it When I Talk S**t?" (@kanyewest @kimkardashian)



During Kanye West’s recent LA concert, he went on one of his most epic rants yet. Yeezy addressed the entire crowd when he asked, “Do ya’ll love it when I talk my sh*t?”  

He proceeded to preach on how he won’t let anyone stop him from saying what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants.  His voice got noticeably louder and filled with emotion as he carried on, comparing his refusal to be silent and always express himself to that of Muhammad Ali, Richard Pryor, Malcolm X, and Nelson Mandela.  He ended by screaming at the crowd but really addressing the media, “Don’t talk to me like that,” in reference to people trying to box him is as “just a musician,” among other things.

What do you think of Kanye’s latest rant?



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