Kasual OWNLY – Broke as Fuck @marques_kilgore



“Broke as Fuck” from Kasual OWNLY is a song about a young dropout student who has a 9 to 5 job and makes just enough money just to stay broke. The consistent currency of a job doesn’t really match up with the $5,000 debt owe to college and the $5,000 debt that’s owe to the government for the loan and everything needed in life in order to live.

Kasual OWNLY is a 21 year old recording artist from the South Side of Chicago. Born and raised in the historical Bronzeville area. His love for words began at the age of 10 and later down in his high school career grew an even stronger love and passion for Hip-Hop music in his sophomore year. Listening to artist like Childish Gambino, Mick Jenkins, Chance The Rapper, Kendrick Lamar, and so many more really gave a diverse spiral towards his creative unique sound.



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