Kendall Jenner Underboob Takes Paris By Storm



Kendall Jenner is now model mode full time. Whatever it is she was before, she’s now 100% fashion model completely with showy catwalks and revealing outfits and that distant model gaze. She’s kind of perfect for this job. You might say she was born for it, if not bred and reared. And, quite frankly, she looks pretty damn hot (not to mention tall and lean) showing off some funbag flesh in Paris. I don’t see why she can’t legitimately make it as a fashion model, and all the skills that that entails. She was certainly launched by her famous family name, but she seems to have the real chops for this kind of posing and strutting.

Kendall, I remember when you were just an innocent young Kardashian. Actually, I don’t remember that. But I do remember when you said you wanted to do something on your own, completely different from the rest of your family. Nothing could be more distant from big-boob show modeling and reality show stardom than being a celebrity fashion model. I applaud you and your underboobs. Well done. Enjoy.



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