Mai Moxi Releases “The WestSide” Visual W/ Walker OG



The Westside was inspired by a lit night W. 6th partying in downtown Cleveland that left both Mai Moxi & Walker OG lit off a spliff on the Westside of Cleveland overlooking the water. There are so many dimensions to Cleveland but Mai Moxi was born and raised in East Cleveland hence why she was inspired to start the music video off in inner city Cleveland. She made it a point to showcase Peter Pan’s donut shop, a run down old donut shop in East Cleveland that used to serve some of the best of Cleveland’s famous dish, polish boys. “I remember walking down Wymore to get some irresistible donuts, a polish boy drenched in bbq sauce and coleslaw with a side of fries equally drenched in bbq sauce. It was my favorite pastime growing up on the riskier side of Euclid Avenue in EC” With the Cleveland Browns being at the height of the sports career for over decade, she pays homage to the Cleveland football Goat Jim Brown, number 32 a fullback for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League from 1957 through 1965. During Brown’s career, Cleveland won the NFL championship in 1964. Watch “The Westside” above.



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