Momma Dee Responds To Claims of Rapper Diamond’s Credit



During Diamond’s radio interview, the former Crime Mob rapper talked about her past relationship with Lil Scrappy and why they will never get back together. Diamond alleged that Lil Scrappy was abusive–in all senses of the word–towards her during their romance. She also said she co-signed for Momma Dee to get an apartment and that was a mistake because Momma Dee allegedly messed up Diamond’s credit.

After hearing the interview, Momma Dee went on Twitter and took subliminal shots at her son’s former girlfriend. Momma Dee says Diamond is talking about her and Scrappy because she wants to be relevant and that’s her only way of doing so. (Nevermind the fact Diamond is on an upcoming reality show which T.I. is executive producing.) Momma Dee also said Diamond is quick to say she deserves respect while disrespecting her who happens to be somebody’s mother.

Check out the tweeters below. You should be forewarned that Momma Dee’s tweets are a little hard gov read because she types the way she speaks.

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