Phillip Anthony – Hold On To Me @phillipanthony_



Phillip Anthony is a Hip Hop artist from Raleigh, NC. He loves to show his versatility and uniqueness on every single music track. Phillip’s tracks aren’t the usual rap songs you hear on the radio, he has a different sound and his own flow. Phillip’s grinding to make it out of a city where not too many artists have had success. You can look forward to Phillip contributing hot, fresh, versatile music, helping to push along the culture now and in the near future.

“Hold On To Me” is a track about Phillip expressing his emotions to his girl about their relationship. While she loves him and wants to be there for him, he loves her so much that he doesn’t want to risk letting her down. Phillip feels like he has to figure himself out before they can move on but he also understands that he has a good girl who’s down to ride for him.



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