Polo Extendo – Mellow Blue @poloextendo



Born in New Brunswick, New Jersey Polo Extendo is a self taught producer, singer-songwriter, engineer. At the age of 2 he would pull pots and pans out of the cabinet and beat on them as if they were drums. His family discovered his talent and passion and enrolled him in music classes to learn his craft and he excelled. by age three he could play anything he heard verbatim by ear. As he grew up he would watch his father Nucci Rey O record in his own home studio which would later spark in him his desire to produce his own music. Spending a lot of time as a child In Plainfield, New Jersey also known as “P-Funk” he found himself inspired a lot by Parliament whom also come from the city. At the age of 14 after being cut from the basketball team for the 3rd time he decided to take his passion for music more serious. That year he traded in his drum set for a laptop with fl studio 10. After getting tired of hearing “purchase your tracks today!” on YouTube beats he started to produce his own beats. Through out high school he performed his songs like Twerk for a B.U.M. and B.U.M.S. 2 at talent shows gaining the likes of his peers and teachers. Releasing his first mixtape Audio Ecstacy he continues to serenade us with his slick wordplay, hypnotic melodies, and catchy hooks to this day.

Mellow Blue is a groovy, psychedelic song about taking psychedelic drugs and meeting your soulmate from your past life.



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