Rabz – Who Are You? @rabz631



Rabz’ EP “Lost” is a journey on the road that less choose to take, with a focal point that “Love is Overrated, Save Time”, Rabz gives you a new and tasteful point of view on the definition of love. With standout tracks such as “Who Are You?”, he relives the roller coaster ride of past relationships and displays his emotions as an open book.


Repping Long Island, New York Rabz delivers a fusion of melody driven hooks and 808 head bangers to create his sound. After racking up over 45k streams on his single, “Russian Cream”, Rabz showed his fans what he really thinks of love in his latest project, “Lost”. With standout tracks “Used To (Ri Ri)” and “Who Are You?”, Rabz packs out local venues like The Knitting Factory and Revolution to show fans and newcomers how to really turn up.



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