Rawrrzone Picks – Scorpio P. StreetFood2: Visual Merchandising



While the Quarantine kept many in the comfort of their homes waiting on the fate of our city and the rest of the world, Scorpio P. was taking the steps in order to not only build his catalogue but to build on the foundations of himself which became the catalyst of what Street Food 2 : Visual Merchandising is. During his EP release the Queens MC explains to us #VisualMerchandising is the cumulation of his feelings , thoughts, experiences, music and his life in a new light.  The Two sided EP has 10 tracks in a storyline format conveying his life as he struggled through the consequences of the pandemic loosing his job and the world changing in the matter of time that it did. While he also gave us exclusive information on the upcoming year for the young artist and thespian of his own theatre company he gave us the exclusive listen to SF2 Visual Merchandising.

The songs from the project that stood out to us was D.O.B (The Prequel) , Rubberband Man and , Another one for The Ages a remix to his hit One for The Ages .  The three songs compliment his evolution of his storytelling and the meaning behind each track. some with “easter eggs” for the listener to find references and be able to visualize what Scorpio P. envisioned in his music.


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