Shasha Is Naturally Glam!



Were you a long term or short term transitioner, and why? 
I was a long term transitioner, although I didn’t transition for as long as I intended to. I transitioned for 8 months and then took the plunge because 1 year of transitioning got to be an unbearable thought.


When did you BC? What was your initial reaction to your natural hair? 
I BC’d on April 22nd 2010 and I looovvveedd it! I was excited and I was ready. I had 8 months to prepare myself for that moment and I relished every bit of it. I always say that I should have done it sooner and cut shorter but life isn’t about regrets. Just live! And my big chop helped me live!

How did family and friends react to the new you? What was your response to them? 
My friends were like “Why?” “What made you do that?” My family all gave me the side eye but now most of them are natural, including my mother who wanted to help me perm my hair again. It’s quite interesting how life comes full circle.

What was your transition routine (products included)? 
I was never a product junkie and still am not but in the beginning I was an Aphogee girl and I also liked the ORS and V05 products. So as I transitioned I did my monthly Aphogee deep treatment, Weekly did a co-wash with V05 and conditioned with ORS. I then used my Kimmaytube leave in mix after every wash to seal. I didn’t style much except braiding and throwing on a wig or doing my famous very SLICK slickback! That was it, until I got tired of detangling two different textures and BC’d.

What was your staple hair style during the transition?
I didn’t style much but I did tinkle a little with some perm-rod sets to mask the straight hair against the curly hair. I usually braided down and threw on a wig or did my famous very SLICK slickback ponytail! That was it, until I got tired of de-tangling two different textures! That’s when I BC’d.

How did you moisturize your hair to prevent breakage at the new growth line? 
I used my Kimmaytube leave in and the fake beauty supply bought yellow shea butter on my ends every few days after a quick mist down. Worked wonders for my line of demarcation and gave me some slip for de-tangling and shine!

Why did you choose to go natural? 
I was trying to prolong a perm for a few months due to breakage and I started to see some beautiful curls that I hadn’t seen in forever, that sparked the idea. I chose to go natural because I was a new college student and didn’t want to spend money in the salons anymore lol times were hard. But most importantly, I always wanted to go back to natural. I wanted to enjoy my curls for what they were, and one morning I was overwhelmingly ready to do it, all of a sudden. I just ran with the feeling and never looked back. Now I am a proud Loc-head and I am loving this journey so far! You can read more about my journey and others journeys on XOXO




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