SOUND FOR CHANGE CONCERT: Beyonce, Salma Hayek & More ROCK OUT In The Media Room



Beyonce is keeping it flashy and fabulous backstage at today’s Sound For Change concert.  Pics of Mrs. Carter hitting the media room with co-founders Salma Hayek and Frida Giannini, all before she takes the stage tonight…

Stunning gal Beyonce is taking one night off from her Mrs. Carter World Tour to pause right outside of London for a good cause.  Chime For Change, the do-gooder Gucci-backed organization she co-founded with Salma Hayek and Frida Giannini, is putting on their big Sound For Change fundraiser concert tonight at Twickenham Sports Stadium.

While plenty of celebs have been announced on the line-up as performers and presenters–including Bey herself, Madonna and Timbaland, other details are being kept under wraps.  But first, just hours ago, the fab ladies snapped pics backstage in the media room while donning gorgeous Gucci.

Bey posted a few of her own fun pics with the ladies:

And an in-depth explanation of what this is all about:

Bey performs at 4:10p EST.  Check out a live stream HERE.

Stay tuned for more from the concert…


Photos: Beyonce’s Tumblr


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