Thank God It’s Funbags! Emma Glover Takes Us Out for the Weekend With Her Office Kittens



I love Fridays. I lust Emma Glover. This is a match made in Egotastic! heaven. The passion inducing bosom brunette hottie glamour model gets down and ta-ta showy in her home office in order to titillate and keep you from getting any last work done before the weekend. As if work is something important. Nobody ever says on their deathbed how they wished they’d worked more. I can tell you many many will wish they had spent more time ogling and motorboating perfectly plump chest pillows like Emma. Myself included.

On the final day of the work week, we celebrate the rightful righteous set of love mounds that make this world go round in a peacefully passionate manner. This spinning orb has enough of the dark side, the hot chest side is the path to happiness. Embrace some boobies. Thank God It’s Funbags!



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