The Daily Spreadsheets – Flamethrower



The Daily Spreadsheets – Flamethrower

When hearing new music, we all expect to hear something fresh. Something different than the usual, as you hope to discover something that you’ve never heard, but everything you hoped to hear when hitting play. That’s one of the funniest parts of music, with getting a chance to hear something incredible that will stick with you. The Daily Spreadsheets has that type of music with his new song “Flamethrower”.

The Daily Spreadsheets “Flamethrower” is an amazing record that carries the freshness new music should have. It thrives in its ability to stand out from other music you hear, with a daring approach to the sound that pays majorly for this thriving creative. The music packs major appeal, while still having a high level of creativity to it to give you all you could want and more.

Listen to The Daily Spreadsheets – Flamethrower.



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