Following a noteworthy freestyle on COMPLEX taste-making discovery platform On The Radar and Shade 45’s “The Punchline Academy” as well as an intimate homecoming show at...
With less than three months left in 2024, Alex Jean continues to prove your network is your net worth. As if headlining the Future Legacy Showcase...
Following sold out shows in Europe, earning 400K+ streams via Spotify, and most recently an intimate performance in her hometown of Washington, D.C. at Songbyrd Music...
MoneyGang Tony, an emerging Atlanta-by-way-of-Williamston, North Carolina recording artist, makes his presence felt in the fourth quarter with the release of his buzzing new single, “War...
After sharing the stage with Rotimi for Pharrell’s ‘Something In The Water’ make up event earlier this month, Virginia-based musician turned motivational speaker Legin liberates the...