Genre-defying artist Destroy Lonely unveils his highly anticipated sophomore album LOVE LASTS FOREVER. The 21-track project marks a significant evolution in the Atlanta native’s career, showcasing...
The Network Studios hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony at its headquarters in Culver City announcing it’s new ownership change. Not only did they roll out their...
Jacksonville rapper and CMG signee Lil Poppa has just unveiled the official music video for his latest single, Feel The Same When You’re Sober, featuring Dej...
4DHouse Entertainment releases it’s NSFW posse cut “S.M.O. (Slut Me Out)” just before temperatures take a dip. The raunchy Rap record was produced by in-house instrumentalist...
Meet KingT from Warren, Ohio. The Youngstown area of Ohio is an untapped market for potential superstar power. KingT releases a new single “Michigan Plates” feat...