This year has been nothing short of monumental for Skilla Baby. In October, he celebrated his birthday with two electrifying hometown shows, featuring guest appearances by...
Detroit’s rising rap phenom, Skilla Baby, is back with a hard-hitting new single, So Bad, featuring fellow 2024 XXL Freshman 4Batz. The track, released via Geffen...
Flaunting a scorching signature style without comparison, rising Detroit rapper Skilla Baby unleashes his anxiously awaited new project The Coldest. Across 16 tracks, Skilla Baby levels...
In relentless fashion, Rob49 continues to add pressure heading into 2024. Having teamed up with some of the hottest artists to date, Wassam Baby features the...
Be careful when holding a loaded weapon like Mudbaby Ru. Gaining the likes of Nardo Wick and G Herbo, the breakout single Gun Class gets an...