Sixteen-year-old New York rapper Sugarhill Ddot has released a fresh single and music video titled Like This. Produced by Scott Bridgeway, this single revolves around an...
French Montana once said,”Made my first mill, started tweakin’ ho.” On his own path in New York, breakout artist Sugarhill Ddot serves up a chilling brand...
Slide through the city with a carefree mind. Sugarhill Ddot is back with an embracing single entitled My Baby. Over a balance of airy acoustic guitar...
Seemingly overnight Sugarhill Ddot has become one of the most buzzworthy artists in hip-hop. After two years starting at the age of 13-years-old, the talented Harlem...
Harlem phenom Sugarhill DDot unveils his brand new single Make A Mess, via Priority Records. The track produced by Ayyolucas, Hardheaded, and Eza, finds the teenage...