This year has been nothing short of monumental for Skilla Baby. In October, he celebrated his birthday with two electrifying hometown shows, featuring guest appearances by...
Quadruple platinum hitmaker Toosii returns with his highly anticipated new project, JADED. The album is a showcase of Toosii’s versatility, with piercing lyrics and raw honesty...
Fashion is at an all time high! Toosii teams up with Gunna for the electrifying new track Champs Élysées, showcasing their undeniable chemistry and star power....
Storyteller Toosii is gentle and yet powerful with his relatability. IDGAF is an introspective track documenting the pain he’s endured, but also the many triumphs he’s...
There is an everlasting feeling you get when your soul intertwines with another. Toosii latest track Keeper is an emotional penned body of work. Using inventive...