Juan Ramirez, famously known in the music industry as “Shampoo” announces distribution deal with UMG/VARICK ST. This comes as a remarkable milestone for the YNVS Music...
Renee Mickens aka “Royal the CEO” serves as CEO of her company called, “Royal Hustler Company” which is an entertainment proprietor that provides event planning, networking,...
CEO of A.A.G. Records & established Hip Hop artist JLC announces his transition into conscious Hip Hop with his new single titled “Apostle.” He takes a...
Seasoned Texas artist/CEO JLC along with A.A.G. Records presents his new single “Illuminate One” already causing a major media and radio frenzy. The track is about...
What does the future hold for a nine-year-old whose first rap was “F*ck School” a stamped destiny as a Hip Hop artist/Stapleton/CEO. City The Great carries...