The era of teen geniuses and teentrepreneurs is here. Following their electrifying performance at the Signature Series Funhouse concert curated by Battlebear, the Dowe Twins are...
Dive into the dynamic world of Canadian hip-hop as Classified, the award-winning rap artist, unveils his latest masterpiece. With the release of Luke’s View, Classified’s highly...
When you’re feeling closed in, sometimes a fresh start can be a guiding light. Harold Levert is back in the studio, feeling more in-tuned with himself...
Whether you hold your girl or the mic tight, J DaVon Harris is inching towards a steal. Testing out a new style and series of flows,...
Take a trip to the bodega and have a dose of J DaVon Harris. Featuring the legendary Skyzoo, these two are serving up a real flow...