Actress Rae Dawn Chong, who co-starred with Oprah Winfrey in The Color Purple was caught bashing the mogul, calling her the "B" word, making fun of her weight and comparing her to a field n*gger. See what else she said inside and get the latest developments on the name battle regarding "The Butler."
Rae Dawn Chong, who rose to fame in films like Soul Man, Commando and The Color Purple, bashed her former co-star Oprah Winfrey during a shocking rant on Matty P’s Radio Happy Hour that’s probably the most insulting thing ever said about Oprah Winfrey….on the record. Rae clearly has no issue taking on one of the world’s most powerful women saying,
Oprah is a "great brown-noser. If you’re in a room with her, she’ll pick the most powerful person and she’ll become best friends with them. When we worked with her … she was that fat chick that was the … wannabe cheerleader that was the student council president that was best friends with the principal … she was that fat chick in school that did everything and everybody loved her. That’s Oprah — love me, love me, love me."
So where did things go wrong between Mary Agnes and Miss Sophia? Rae says, "She was lovely [on The Color Purple]," It was after when I did Commando and I was starring with Maria Shriver’s husband in the movie. That’s when she was a total bioootch."
But the interview wasn’t all salty. There was a bit of sugar thrown in.
"You gotta respect her, no matter how vile she is — ’cause ultimately she’s all about Oprah and she’s boring — but aside from that, you gotta kinda go, ‘Hello, hats off, you have done an amazing thing. You have actually shifted the DNA of the universe."
But after a little sugar….Rae lashed out with, "She took a woman, if you look at the way she looks — 60 years ago she would have been a housekeeper, luckily. She would not have been a house (n-word), she would’ve been a field (n-word)."
But just as sure as she tears Ms. Winfrey down, she extends a hand to lift her up.
"We have to give her props. … I have to stop and say this woman is a miracle and I respect her and I say kudos to you and I don’t give two cents about the other parts of it. She shifted the DNA in terms of our thinking of a woman of a certain size and a certain shape. I love her for that. I don’t care what she’s about, I don’t care that I know her ins and outs, I just think that she’s done a lot. I love her for that."
Ummm…..we haven’t seen Rae on the big screen for a very long time so we don’t think Oprah will destroy her career (we don’t think she has one). But you have to wonder what’s going through someone’s mind when they go at Oprah in such a public way.
And in other Oprah Winfrey news….
We told you earlier about Oprah Winfrey landing a starring role in the "The Butler" alongside Forest Whitaker and Terrence Howard, but we’re not so sure if the movie will still be called "The Butler" by the time it hits the big screen on August 16.
Today at the Sherman Oaks offices of the MPAA, The Weinstein Co. will plead its case over the naming rights to Lee Daniels’-directed “The Butler”. The company hit a hurdle once Warner Bros. sought to stop them from going forward with their use of the title. It turns out that WB owns the rights to a 1916 comedy named "The Butler" and they’re under the impression that moviegoers might get the two confused. SMH.
And Harvey Weinstein has called in some heavy hitters in this battle of the butlers. He’s enlisted Jesse Jackson, NAACP president and CEO Ben Jealous and national chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality Roy Innis. The three released a joint statement saying,
"We are all watching and waiting for the results of today’s arbitration and hoping that Warner Bros. and the MPAA make the right decision on this important movie about civil rights," the three said in a statement."
We will keep you posted about the hearing…..
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